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15 years ago you were heading back to your home, in the Gueytrian Slums. It was past the curfew. You knew that you had to hurry home so you were not to be caught, but you weren't fast enough.
You were about 5 minutes from home when three Gueytrian Guards walked around the corner and saw you. They chased you right around Gueytrie but you were not fast enough to escape from them. Eventually they apprehended you and made you follow them as they took you back to the Vitre Gaol.
You got nowhere near the Gaols though, because the torch the guard was holding was shot out with a Water Arrow.
You looked around for the source of the Arrow but found none until he was standing right in front of you, Guards at his feet.
He took you back to where you now live.
The Biza residence, named after Druin Biza, and the Biza Resistance is also named after him.

You arrived at the Biza Residence, which at that point you had never heard of and as you entered, was amazed at the luxuries set before you.
Tables full of food, chairs that were cushioned, large two man beds, torches hanging from the roof.
It was nothing compared to your home because back at your old home you only had a rock hard chair, candles set on the table, and little to no food in sight. You also had to sleep on the floor since you had no bed.

For the next 5 years, you were trained by a man named Troi Ninkha. He taught you to read, write, and fight. He was a very good teacher but had harsh laws, such as if the lettering was too crooked, he would beat you. If you punched the wrong way, or kicked the wrong way, you would be beaten.
He would then say,"It is for your own good, Frier."

You were glad that after five years, Troi stopped teaching you because the betings were going to stop.

Years later, you were glad you were beaten.

1 week after Troi had stopped training you, a man named Goju Mina introduced himself, and became your tutor in the arts of stealth, theft, fighting, defence and lettering for the next ten years.
Within those years, he allowed you to go home. He made you go home sometimes and stay there for nights.
"To get used of the dark," he would say when you asked him why he sent you home.

10 years of training by Goju. 10 years of companionship. 15 years of training, and intelligence.

And here you are today. Standing out front of the Great doors, waiting for the summon to enter. Waiting for your induction into the Great Hall of UTC.
Waiting to become a full-fledged THIEF!

You have 1 choice: