Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

Tired of walking, you decide that swimming would be a nice change of pace. It's not like you were getting anywhere before, after all.

But you soon discover that swimming takes up much for physical exersion than walking. In the hallway, it was as though a certain plot hole magic gave you the ability to walk forever. Here, you discover that you can only swim so long before your limbs grow weary.

You've gone too far to try and swim back- even if you had the strength, you don't know which direction the tides have pushed you, and a light fog obscures everything. You try floating on your back so that you can regain a bit of strength, but the gradual undulation of the waters is just strong enough to knock water onto your face. You cannot float on your back without breathing water, and so you cannot rest.

You resume swimming, this time on your back, but you still find yourself weaker by the minute. Hunger and thirst, unfamiliar to you in the hallway, suddenly come creeping back.

Soon, the waves become stronger, and you are unable to prevent the water from entering your lungs. You find yourself sinking downward, but your muscles are too weary to resist.