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Truth or Dare

Sitting in her room Jenny looks out at the setting sun. It has stained the sky a dark red and it reminds you of blood. Lying back you sigh, why does tonight seem to be the longest night in history? Glancing at your clock you see that it is only 6:30pm! It feels like it should be 10:00pm, you're so tired.
Then you hear a knock on the door. You hear a chair slide back downstairs and your mum opens the door. "Can I help you?" you hear her ask. Then you hear her scream and silence. You sneak to your door and open it slightly peering out to see if you can see anything. Coming up the stairs is a man! You shut your door and lock it, leaning against the door you try to think of a way out.
You see your window and run over to it, opening it you look down, jumping two stories is not an option. You run over to your bed and pull off all the bed sheets and tie them together and tie them to the side of your window. Suddenly you hear a knock at the door a gruff voice says "Open up".
You take one last look at your room and start climbing down. When you are nearly at the bottom you hear your bedroom door smash open. You jump the last few feet and start running.
The man looks out the window and aims a gun at you. He shots and misses, behind you, you hear a motorbike. The man inside the house has just come out of the house. The rider of the motorbike stops, "get on" he says. You hesitate, "either that or get shot" he says. What the hell you think and get on. The motorbike tears round the corner and very quickly you are well out of the area.
The boy drives like a hoon going through red lights and speeding, you hang on for dear life. You quickly get out of the city and then the boy takes a side road and you are on a dirt road. He turns off the dirt path into a forest. Bloody hell you think, how far are we going?
Finally you feel the bike slowing down then, at last, coming to a halt by a fast moving river. Getting off your legs feel like led and you fall onto the grass. The boy takes off his helmet seemly unperturbed by the fact that you just fell over and takes his time checking the bike.
Sitting up the feel angry, who are you, and why in the bloody hell are you so worried about the bike, damsel in distress 1 O'clock. After he finishes check his bike he turns to you and says "are you ok?" "Yeah I'm great", you say sarcastically "my mother has been killed by a lunatic "I nearly died because of a hoon and I still don't know one thing about you". "Well, says the boy smiling, what do you want to know?" "Firstly", you say anger starting to well up inside you "who the hell are you, secondly, who was that guy at the house, thirdly, are you a hoon are something, fourthly, why is your bike so bloody important?, fifthly, why here, of all places to stop? Sixthly, why did you save me?" you take a deep breath. The boy smiles and sits down next to you, "my name is Rhys-" "last name" you interrupt "we'll just stick to Rhys" he says, "fine, Rhys, but still haven't answered my other questions", "not very patient, are we" he says grinning "the guy at the house what we call a dark assassin, they basically go round and will kill people who are a threat to them" you start to speak but he puts up his hand "do you want to know the answers or not, cause if you keep on interrupting me then I'll just stop talking" you shut your mouth and throw him a dirty look. "Now in answer to your third question no, I am not a hoon, but the reason I was doing all of those dangerous things was to get out of there faster, and to make sure no one could follow us. My bike is important because if I don't have my bike then we've got to walk and it would be more dangerous." You nod slowly, "and why did we stop here? Because it is the last place anyone would look, and I saved you because I had too." "because you had too" you repeat slowly "because you had too, what kind of a jerk are you, because I had too. Not because you wanted to not because, because well just because!?" You stand up. "Where are you going?" asks Rhys standing up too. "Home" you say shortly, "you can't" says Rhys quickly, "and why not?" you ask furious. "Because it's the first place they'll look for you".
Do you...