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Hall of Infinite Doors

The hall stretches onward. You lift your weary feet one at a time, almost staggering to the ground as you trip over something lying on the floor of the corridor: a brick. "How careless," you remark to nobody in particular. "What sort of person leaves a brick where anyone walking by might fall and hurt themselves?" Still, it is the first object you've noticed in some time that doesn't resemble a door.

You kneel to examine it. You find the brick to be much like any other you've seen. Are there others like it in the Hallway? Did you pass a brick-lined segment, or perhaps a Brick Door on your way? It's a testament to the length of your journey that you can't quite recall. What you first took for fine lines or cracks of age appear on closer inspection to be veins of some sort of rare ore, criss-crossing like a spiderweb all over the surface.

The ore stands out in stark contrast to the drab brown of the brick; it's quite a startling shade of color after the washed-out depths of the Hall you've been through. A deep blue like the sky on a clear day, the lines sparkle faintly to the touch. The pure and soothing hues remind you for a moment of happier times. As you place your palm on the brick's surface, you realize to your surprise it has grown warm to the touch.