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The Prophecy Full filled

Still unaware of his actions pretty much zoned out DUB was able to dodge the in coming blade that was rushing for him. Since the guy missed his arm fully extended in front if DUB. DUB grabed the guys arm with one hand and struck from underneith which snaped the the guys arm in two sperate peices. DUB had shattered the bones in the guys arm. Since the guy was in excrusiating pain he ended up dropping the blade to the ground. DUB then charged foward at the guy, jumping at him with his fist held high in the air ready to conect with the guys ugly ass mug. As the guy happened to look up from his poor dangiling arm that looked lifeless, he maneged to watch DUB's fist come straight down on him. The force that came from DUB's hit knocked the guy straight to the ground in a flash. As Dice was standing there in complete shock, he saw the other guy coming up from behind DUB. Dice thought it was time to join in and cause some damage as well. Now Dice wasnt the fastest guy on the block, in fact he was most likely he was the slowest. Even still once he had a momentum there would be no stoping him. Thats what Dice did, he charge at the attacker with a huge momentum. The guy turned and was unfortunately able to see what was coming. To him it looked llike a tank out of no where coming straight for him. It propably felt that way too, once Dice plowed right over him sendind him at least 10 feet from original position. After a few moments, both attackers were able to make it back to their feet. The one with the bruttaly mangled arm looked down at DUB's feet and had a terrifieing look on his face. DUB then also looked down, and he saw the switch blade that the guy had dropped from before. DUB still not able to think clearly as his blood rushed through his system and his adrenaline going he was able to think what might happen next. He could either just scare the guys away by threatening them, pick up the blade and scare them away or go to drastic measures and use they blade for the unthinkable. what should DUB do in this situation?