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Warlords: Strategic Conquest

//////////////////////////////////////////////////[STATUS BOX]//////////////////////////////////////////////////
////Treasury: 125 yuan {-75} ///////// Army: Small (-25)/////////////////////Masses: High
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////Workers: Low (-25)/////////////////Buddhists: Low {-50}
You travel to the mudslide devastated community and distribute donations. Sunburned peasants give you wide gap-toothed grins as you walk among them. Some applaud when you grab a two-handed saw and help remove a tree toppled over the middle of a road.

Word spreads of your leadership during the relief effort. The populace now believes that you share their priorities and values. You become the people's favorite throughout the South.

Your citizens now work together with your police to ward off infiltrators. Neighboring warlords no longer bother sending saboteurs or assassins to your realm. As a result your small Army's morale temporarily spikes.

Your Treasury adviser reports that, although your Treasury has been dramatically reduced, you still possess just enough yuan to make the fiscal investment that will ensure you do not go broke. The Buddhist temple chastises your lack of piousness, but otherwise does not frown upon you for tending to your people. Some government professionals complain about not getting a raise, but most remain optimistic and continue to work for your benefit. They even finish construction on a castle, a sturdy, gated structure that will serve as your residence and enhance your capital's defenses.

You listen to news from faraway lands. The northern empire of General Nahru is experiencing internal turmoil and the General is barely holding onto his own life. He will not pose any threat to you, at least for now. Your other main rival, President Min, has been seen traveling East in your direction. He reportedly met with several minor warlords nearby. Other warlords had been skirmishing back and forth among each other, but none had acquired enough power to be worth your time.

While the chaos in China has been wearing on the populace, hope has not been lost. The people long for a capable leader who will bring peace and create a sound economic environment. They say they would be willing to secede from their kingdom and join such a leader if one were to emerge.

Your next move...

//////////////////////////////////////////////////[STATUS BOX]//////////////////////////////////////////////////
////Treasury: 125 yuan {-75} ///////// Army: Small (-25)/////////////////////Masses: High
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////Workers: Low (-25)/////////////////Buddhists: Low {-50}