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The Curse

A confused look spreads across your face. You fold your arms, rest one hand on your chin and ponder, "Well, what can I possibly do that doesn't involve me poking around down there? It's not like I could do what I used to." You begin pouting at realization that has just come to you.
She lays her towel down on the floor. "Kneel." She commands. You obediently do as she says and she stands in front of you, inches from your face. She stands with her hands firmly placed on her hips.
"Lick." She tells you.
"Lick it. Don't make me punish you again.." She threatens. You shake you head continuously and finally stop to protest once again.
"No. No, I will not!" You scream; salty tears falling to the ground around you.
"Okay then, punishment time. This time, I think I'll try something more controlled."

She turns to her wardrobe and pulls it open. She removes a cardboard box and places it on the floor and sits beside it cross legged. She opens the top and leans over, causing her breasts the hang in front of her. She digs in with her left hand and pulls out a long bullet-shaped object. It is completely white except and small rectangular section which is transparent, but seems to be containing a red liquid. She lays it next to her and reaches in for a second time and pulls out another long object but this one had two flat sides. By this time, you are sat down. She press a small white button and a blade flips out. It's a pen-knife. You crawl backwards as she commences her assault. A flat, hard object then stops your movement. You've backed into a wall. She runs the knife along your neck lightly making you raise your head. You weep slightly and she rests the metal against your skirt. With a single slash, the clothing is in strips on the floor next to you. Your most feminine area is revealed.
"Okay, relax, don't struggle and think happy thoughts." She suggests. "Oh, you might want the bite hard on this." She offers a piece of the cut up clothing. You turn your head, refusing to cooperate. "Be that way. I was just trying to help, but I suppose, it's your problem, not mine." She sits on your legs and pins you down with one arm. With the other she pick up the white bullet object. "Remember, think happy thoughts." She says before thrusting the foreign object smoothly through your slit and deep into your uterus.
"AAAAAHH..AAArrrgghh...Oh, hurts.." Your screaming soon turns into a quiet whimper and you then begin panting as the pain quickly turns to a pleasurable feeling.
"This doesn't seem like much of a punishment, I know, but trust me, it WILL get worse." She removes a golden ring from the box and slips it on her index finger. "That device was filled with a solution of mine. It contains many irritants, but most concerning to you, would be the small amount of chlorine in it. An amazing chemical used a lot in the First World War in the form of a gas. When it settled in the lungs of the soldiers, it combined with the moisture in the organs and it created hydrochloric acid, burning the victims from the inside out. It will have a similar affect on you, but on a smaller level, making it non-lethal. This ring has a radio connection to the device in your vagina that will trigger it when certain conditions are met. The device will could I put this to a teenage girl..ejaculate the solution, causing a hell of a lot of pain. Think of it as..a very painful tampon. So, lets take it for a test run." You try to shout and scream, but nothing came out. Only a small whine could be heard until she activated the torture weapon. You can feel the liquid spraying inside of you. At first you feel nothing, but after a second or two, an immense stinging in you vagina causes you to scratch and claw at yourself in a feeble attempt to get it out, but to no avail. You screeching gets louder and louder as the pain grows.
"AAAAHHH!!! Get it out!! Get it out!! Oh, God!! PLEEAASE!!!" You shriek, now leaving deep scratches on yourself, around the afflicted area.
"Calm down, now or I'll activate it again." She puts her hand on your cheek and lifts your head. Tears are still trickling down your face and she wipes them away. "Now, you gunna do this or not?!" She asks, yelling. You look down to the floor and push her hand away. Wiping away your own tears, you nod gently. "Let's try this again then.." She tells you whilst standing, but still keeping her ring, just in case you disobey her again.

You kneel on the towel for the second timeand await your 'prize'.
"Now I've broken you, I think it's time to have a little fun." Cindy's definition of 'fun' isn't what normal people would enjoy. It was sort of a one sided thing. If she liked it then YOU liked it. The taller girl stands before you with her left hand on her hip and her other in front of her. She carefully positions her free palm on the back of your head. "Ready?" She asks politely although she does not give you time to answer before shoving your open mouth into the hairless slit. You hold your breath as she begins to move your head up and down and pushing you further and further into her. "Lick you little slut, LICK!" She demands. You grimace as you cautiously poke your tongue out of its safe, little hideaway. You leave it just a few centimeters out and allow Cindy to manouvre your head in and out of the moist slit you are faced with. As time passes, you become more confident and your tongue creeps out a little further, so you can burrow deep inside the woman. She moans and moans, encouraging you to go on. Maybe this will get you on her good side? "Yes..come on..a little more..oh yes..uh..uh...uh..oh..your gooood.." She mutters. You grin at the comment and pause to look up to her. You begin to look up after every lick and now you are doing it on your own accord. Deeper and deeper. Faster and faster. You give her more pleasure by the second. After hearing much louder calls from her you gaze into her eyes. Staring a her pupils you notice movement. They shrink to a pin prick and as you look forward, you find a vast amount of thick, sticky liquid gushing towards you. It splatters across your face and drips from her twat. "Go on. Clean me up, bitch." She seductively whispers to you. You obediently lap up the mess left behind from her climax. You, at first, frown at the taste but soon warm to it and your imagination seems to change it. Soon, it tastes, kind of, fruity. You begin to guzzle it down at great speed. You cough as it catches your throat a couple of times, but carry on your dirty deed none the less. The thick, warm liquid soothes your throat as it passes through you. It's heavenly. As you finish lapping up the result of your skillful tongue, you sense movement in your 'subject's' body.

Cindy begins to squat down to your level and you desperate try to stay at her vagina's level. You lie on the floor and look up at it and gently stroke your tongue against her pussy. Half way through a lick, you pause, you slowly close your eyes and relax yourself. The girl who had previously tortured you has now slipped her index and middle finger into your, now moist, vagina. She pushes hard into you and begins to move it about.
"Ah..ah..ah..s-stop..please.." You cry.
"Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Soon the pain will go away, but first..." She pokes further in, causing you more pain. "Got it." She removes her fingers with the 'tampon' between her fingers. You pant and feel greatly relieved. The pain was over. "Now then.." She rams her fingers into once again.
"Ahh..please.." You beg. She ignores your and moves her fingers around more and more. Then she slows down, when she sees your face. The pain had ceased, now only a very pleasurable sensation can be felt. Her finger are now moving very slowly, calmly. Moaning in between words you utter, "W-why..are you doing this"
"Which part. Me, fucking with your head, turning you into this slut of a girl or..this?" she buries her fingers much deeper into you and moves it around rapidly.
"'ve never felt like this before..amazing.." Cindy smirks with amusement and removes her finger. Walking towards her bed she speaks to you.
"Just call this a thank you and.." She turns her head to face you. " apology. Don't say anything. Just get cleaned up and sleep." She points to a pile of blankets in the corner and you nod.
"O-okay." You shyly reply. Cindy settles down and faces the wall in a deep slumber. Perhaps you can escape, but do you really want to?