Albus Potter Year 1

It was a hot September day. Albus was starting his time at Hogwarts. His brother James was starting his third year. Their sister Lily had to wait two more years to start. After Harry, and Ginny finished saying everything that there was to say Albus boarded the Hogwarts Express with James,and Rose.

As the faces of his parents Ginny, and Harry dissappeard. Albus began to look to sit in a compartment. Rose came calling for Albus to sit with him, and a new kid.

"Hey Rose, Hey new kid." Albus said pretty much unsure of the kids name.

"The name is Kellen Black." "My mum, and dad are not magical, but I'm going to Hogwarts. So I'm magical. I guess that matters." "what's your name."

"I am Albus Potter, son of the great Harry Potter." "I know I'm not really so great." "My dad is."

"I think your great." Kellen said. " I heard about the great Harry Potter destroying the Dark Lord." "Just so you know he killed my aunt." "He nearly killed my uncle, but he had left for some reason." :"I'm just glad that the Dark Lord Voldemort is gone." 'I thank your Dad." "But what I like best is-------." Before anyone knew it, there was a loud noise from not to far away on the train.

Albus had peaked out only to hear James speaking to Scorpius Malfoy. 'You will not trash my dad, or mum." "If you do you will be hurt." Albus heard that, and was unsure on which to help James, or let it go.

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