Hall of Infinite Doors

"I'm so sorry," you say, "what happened?"

She softens.

"I don't know. We had gone out for about six months, you know? I was with him a few times when I was with my prior man, and he seemed like a good guy."

"Did he cheat on you?" you inquire with concern.

"No. I mean sure, but that's not why we broke up. He would have sex with my best friends from time to time," she says, starting to get teary-eyed. "It's embarrassing when you find them in bed together, and I would fight later. It's like he was never the type of guy to be satisfied with one woman. And then he thought I was a slut for trying to win him back! But the real problem was that he would never find me good modeling work. And then he found a good gig, and he gave it to my former friend Tina. We fought. Finally I told him that I could find better work without him. I moved out, made a resume, and came here."

Her voice quivers, but she speaks with determination. "I guess I'm going to have to find a new boyfriend."