Hall of Infinite Doors

You snatch the resume from Rosie's hand and run out to the elevator.


She turns. Your knees grow weaker in her presence. She has vivid blue eyes that cast a glow on everything around her. Her five and a half foot frame is perfect to carry her voluptuous curves. Tanned skin. Long blonde hair done up in waves. She on a buttoned light to medium brown wool jacket with a form fitting matching skirt and dark brown high heels with matching handbag. Her light tan blouse is open so that you can see the slight hint of tanned cleavage peeping through.

You are overwhelmed. She pauses expectantly.

"Candice? Hi! I'm Charlie," you say, sounding like an appliance salesman. "Rosie tells me you're here for an interview."

"Oh yes!" replies Candice. Her voice is soft and slightly high pitched. "She said you normally don't take walk-ins."

"No, normally we don't," you reply, "but I had a little time and thought we'd give it a try."

"Thank you!" says Candice, bending her knees slightly. "Thank you."

You escort her into the main concourse and to an office of a former vice president who got caught carousing with the CEO's secretary. It is now deserted save for a desk, bookcase, swivel chair, and two chairs for guests. You leave the light off as you enter, and bask in the subdued light coming in from the window.

"So what do you do here?" asks Candice.

"I'm a talent scout," you reply. You lean back against the desk and motion for Candice to sit in one of the two visitor's chairs, which she does. You glance at her resume. It has a few misspellings and could do with a good editor.

Candice crosses her elegant legs and waits expectantly. Her form fitting skirt almost reache the top of her knee. She places her bag beside the chair. Your mind races for questions.