Hall of Infinite Doors

"I don't know, John," you reply. "What kind of word are you going to give him? That I'm a good guy?"

"Oh, quit your worrying. You'll see. One thing. Tell the fine yound lady with whom I'm sitting that an emergency came up and that I had to go. Tell her to give me a call."

John brushes by you and leaves. You expect Rosie to come back any moment, but it never happens. Then John's date shows up and begins mingling around before the show is to start up again. She is young, blonde, and wears a long red dress with sequins and a white fur stole. She lacks the voluptuous body of Rosie, but she is pretty, in a sophisticated way.

"Hi!" you say, introducing yourself. "I'm Charlie."

She looks at you as if you are an alien who has asked to be taken to her leader.

"John had to run. He said to call him."

"And what happened to your date?" asks the blonde.

"Um. She had an emergency."

"I see," she replies.

You each take your seats. You glance over now and then during the show. She looks bored. You're bored too. It goes on and on and on. Finally, after several encores, it ends.

You look at the blonde. She makes eye contact with you and smiles weakly.