The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You leap into your Sewing class just before the Great Bell rings. The bell's chimes vibrate through the school and a huge tower of books topple to the floor, crushing Mrs. Thunderblunder's pet owl and killing it.

"I'm on time!" you stand up and address the teacher. You follow the dwarf's gaze over to the pile of books on the floor. A small bird leg sticks out from under it. It quivers for a moment and then goes still.

Mrs. Thunderblunder turns towards you and frowns.

"You killed my owl." she states.

"What? Uh, no I didn't! It was the--" you stutter.

"This isn't even your class, Appelapolous."

"Hey! You said my name right!"

Those few words are recorded in history as your last, for Mrs. Thunderblunder's thunderblunder, a collossal stone hammer, comes swinging over her shoulder with all the might of Thor and squashes you flat.
Actually, your last few words were never recorded anywhere until just now; you just aren't all that important.
End Of Story