This is The Story of a Car

'sup ma' nigga'! You exclaim as you wlak through the door. Still, the staring continues. They must not understand what you want still... Hmmm...

With your best blackanese vocabulary, you manage to pull together a little speech on what you want. It goes something like this:

I be'n roun' her' un' time an' nun y'all be'n all nice an shit! Ya'll be'n mos' 'diculous nigga!

They still don't understand what you want, till one of them looks at you and says "Que pasa?"

Well... that's was the deal... they weren't black... they were Mexican. Curse your racial profiling skills... You'll need to work on that later. OF COURSE! Why didn't you think of it. IT all makes sense now that they're Mexican. You pull up a little white-spanish from your vocabulary memory banks. They understand what you want and strap your lincoln with 4 brand new, shiny spinner rims.

Unfortunately, you come up $100 Short... There's only one way to pay them back, they say, if you haven't got the cash.

You got two options. One sounds bad, and may wind up killing you, and the other sounds bad, which may wind up in THEM killing you. Which will it be?