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The Guard

Founded with the name The Hellguard at some point in 3 PI, The Guard has faced many challenges that limited its growth.

Originally, zombies were such a scare for a normal civilian and most of the zombie population consisted of deceased family members. Because of this, the people were reluctant to join The Hellguard and fight. Scarce numbers just meant more deaths and therefore even less recruits.

This pattern continued until a slightly insane young man by the name of Obreal joined The Hellguard and rallied his comrades to partial victory. Under the command of Obreal, a large section of forest (which has now been stripped of animal life) was conquered and fortified using scrap metal and old automobiles. 10 years since, he has become the master of The Guard and makes important decisions every day. You can see in his eyes that his real passion is blowing holes in zombies.

It's nice to work for The Guard because recruits get larger rations than casual citizens and less areas of Metropolis are restricted. While normally a positive thing, these benefits can also be a deterrent. Jealous citizens, to weak or frightened to face zombies, form small gangs and attack guardsmen. Up until about 10% 13 PI, it was policy not to harm citizens. Now it is okay for you to harm citizens that harrass you.

The New Church claims to deliver their followers from the oppressive nature of the world, but only The Guard fortify and feed the city.

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