Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

You duck behind the Celeste and knock her waist, causing her to squeal. She yells the more loudly when pumpkin pie hits her squarely across the chest with a gratifying splat. The blonde appaers angrier than ever, and picks up another pie. Siezing the opportunity, you pick up a full bowl of salsa in your free hand and push Celeste toward her. You arrive just as the blonde and share Celeste share a cherry pie between them. Then you crown the blonde with the full bowl of salsa.

"Celeste, you *%$@?" yells the blonde, "TAKE THIS." She slams another pie into Celeste's startled face, then yells "MATT, GET IN HERE!!"

Celeste runs past you, and out a back door. You have guacamole sitting beside you.