Hall of Infinite Doors

The mist clears away, and you are left staring at a brick wall. You turn around, hoping to backtrack to the hallway's beginning, but you falter. You haven't drank in hours, and the strain is affecting your strength. Malnourishment sets in, and you fall forward on the brick. No one comes. No one ever will. No one makes it this far. You are the first, and for your disbelief, you are the last. The last thing you see is a dark, cloaked figure.

It laughs. "Perfect. Another fallen one. The skin on the flesh door is starting to rot, I'll have to use you to change it out. Heck, while I'm at it, I think that bone door's becoming a bit stale. The bottom left corner might need replacing...I think your shin bones will do nicely..."

The figure probably said more, but by this point...you're dead.
End Of Story