Sanity Killer

He thinks it over. "Alright, but if you double cross me..." He turns back to happy Elmo. "We'll have fun and eat cake! 1 2 3! Ehehehehhee" The Geiko Lizard makes a run for it, taking a wad of cash with him. Elmo immediately turns back into the nightmare of boys and girls, running after the lizard in a rage.
Okay, so you've lost Elmo. Good job. The question is... now what? As you turn to think it over, you see the thing of all evil... BARNEY. -sky gets dark, lightning strikes, blocking a passage out- Oh, sorry. I forgot the old cliche's... and your bad luck. Scary mansion, lightning striking, yeah. Well Barney is just that darn scary. Either way, maybe he can help you.