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Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

The corolla touched down outside the front gate of a rundown apartment complex cheerfully known as "the Flamingos" You all get out of the car and follow Jourdan as she moves to the speaker on the gate to the parking lot of the complex. She pushes a button. "Hector, I am Jourdan of the Mormons, this is a matter of great holly security, we need to speak with you." You wait a few seconds. Nothing happens. Jourdan pushes the button again, "Hect-"ello?" Hector this is Jou-"ok man, come in"…but uh wait..sec.. guh." The gate buzzes as it opens, none of you are really sure of what just happened. A large man stands between you and the entrance. "Yo, yall here to see my man Hector?" he says in a deep scary voice. "Uh, yea" you respond. "Excellent. Just this way." He leads you deep into what seems like an unending hall of apartment doors until you reach number 124. "Alright man, here's Hector, don't f-k up." Yes sir…

You enter the apartment, the silhouette of a figure sitting in a couch turns toward you. You can only see a silhouette due to the really awesome plasma TV behind him. "ello" a cracked voice says to you. "what do you need? You want that leprechaun modded?" Jourdan looks puzzled but responds " actually, we have come for you specifically." Robbie interrupts her thou. "Wait, what exactly can you do to Scott?" "Eh well, I can make him shoot Lazers out his ass, make French toast with his mind, and play xbox games." Jourdan interrupts again "Well that's nice but actu-" "How much bro?" "eh 60 bucks" "Please excuse my partner, but we need to talk to you about Norman."
At the mention of Norman. Hector's head moves quickly to look at Jourdan.

"Norman." "Have you heard of him?" "Yea, I have, I read all about him on the internet." "He's been destroyed, we've heard that you may be our only chance." "Yea yea man, I can fix him." "Hey wait bro, I got the 60 bucks if you wanna put rockets on the midget and stuff and aw crap." Robbie said just a moment too late.

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