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Paul's Kingdom

Upon reaching the fork you venture into the unknown, and a certain spark of excitement enflames you. It's been quite a while since you've explored any more of the woods; for the past few years you've basically always remained in the same areas.

You decide it would be best to split up with Varro, Q'iol, and Restuit now. As this is new ground, it needs exploring, and four individuals could certainly do this much quicker than one group. Only Varro raises an objection, saying you could be put in danger. But you've fought Yuras alone before. You part with your friends, telling them to find you back at home once it's too dark to continue.

The new area is basically the same as anything else considering its flora. Pine trees, oak trees, ferns, and the occassional blackberry bush (by far your favorite plant).

Nibbling on blackberries, you make your way through the wilderness, not spotting any Yuras. It seems as though the area is desolate.

You chance upon a gurgling brook, its volume enhanced by the recent rains. Nearby are a plethora of raspberry bushes, a rarity in your neighborhood. The terrain is level and devoid of bothersome roots, vines, and prickers. Best of all, there's even a wooden board, a camouflage jacket, and a box!

A new idea dawns on you. This would be the perfect place for a new Kingdom! You could easily erect some tree-branch teepes, your homemade specialty. The place is truly perfect, the only negative being that it's a good twenty-five minutes from your house. But perhaps that's good! It means Tom will never find it and you could have some peace and quiet with your subjects.

And so you begin constructing your new kingdom.

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