Hall of Infinite Doors

You take the mail cart and push it out onto the plush green carpet of the hustle and bustle hallway. Become CEO? Ha! Here you are, just a tiny zot in a big corporate office. You work for MARVEl, a popular men's magazine. Every secretary here is a wanna-be model. Every executive is a could-be stooge. It's a wonder work gets done at all.

Toward the end of your circuit you see Meagan. She's the librarian, and the one nice person you know in the office--warm, brunette, outgoing and cute, it's a wonder she works here at all.

"Hey Charlie, how's it going?"


"Hey, I got a couple tickets to the ballet Thursday. Maybe you'd like to go? Huh?"

"Um, let me think about it."

"Ok!! Extension 8962!"

Yeah. Tell me about it. And then there is Rosallie, the receptionist. You save her for the end of your run. She has a better rack than a pool table--same mass, but only two balls. And, oh, would you like to cue her up in an after work game; maybe shove you balls in her pocket. Blonde, flirtateous, maybe dangerous. That little green dress reminds you of the shag on the pool table. Oh yes.