London Towne

Oliver heads upstairs and down the hall to Room 12. Opening the door brings him into a quaint little room with a sunny window overlooking a side garden. A muggle would have been a bit confused by both the size of the room relative to the building (if all the rooms were this size, the building would need to be much larger than it is) as well as the garden, which was exactly where a garde shouldn't be. If you were to look on a map (which of course wouldn't show the Leaky Cauldron anyway) you would find that the garden was right where a neighboring shop should be. Oliver on the other hand though nothing of this disparity, since it was quite common in the wizarding world.

He set his bag down and went about cleaning up for dinner. After freshening up, he began to thing that a nap might be nice. Or should he just head back downstairs for dinner?