London Towne

Oliver decides to head into Diagon Alley, to see if he can make it to Gringotts before they close. He taps the appropriate bricks with his wand and the wall behind the Leaky Cauldron pulled itself out of the way. He headed through the opening and it closed behind him as he headed down the bustling street toward the golden doors of Gringotts.

As he passed Quality Quidditch Supplies, he ran into, quite literally, none other than Harry Potter.

"Harry, good to see you! But, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at your Aunt & Uncle's?"

"I ran off," said Harry. "They think I inflated my Aunt Marge on purpose..."

"You did what?" asked Oliver, stifling a giggle.

"Well, I didn't not on purpose at least, but they think I did. She just started inflating and then floated off like a helium balloon. I couldn't have done that if I tried!"

"Impressive. You really should learn to control your temper, Harry," teased Oliver. "Well, I need to get on to Gringotts, are you going to be around here, Harry?"

"Yeah, I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron for a bit, feel free to stop by," said Harry with a wink.

"Sure thing, see you!"

With that, Oliver headed on down the street to Gringotts. Just as he set foot on the white marble steps, the impressive doors swung shut.

"Bother! Tomorrow it is then!" exclaimed Oliver. But really he wasn't that upset, he was glad to see Harry again, and was looking forward to spending some time with him, as something other than his team captain.