London Towne

Oliver had never been to the British Library before. Most of his library experience was in the Hogwarts library with Madame Pince looking over his shoulder. This was a totally different experience. After walking through the expansive courtyard he entered the Library lobby. It is a large open expanse of a room, complete with water feature and a giant, petrified open book. The book was anchored with a ball and chain attached to it to keep it from escaping so it could be used as a bench.

After walking around the book, wondering who would do such a thing to it, Oliver noticed a glowing panel set into a pedestal. He walked over to it, noticing the images moving in the panel, much like a painting or photograph. The sign above it said "Turning the Pages" and described it as a way to see old and valuable books. The panel responded to his touch and he could turn the pages of books and look more closely at certain pages. Powerful magic indeed. Except of course that it wasn't magic at all, since it was a Muggle device. Maybe they weren't as backward as so many wizards thought. After looking through the early bible that was in the panel, Oliver moved along, deeper into the library.

Beyond the lobby there was a great glass tower, many stories tall, in more ways than one. Stored in this tower was the book collection of one of the old Muggle Kings. It was an amazing sight to see. Beyond the tower was a cafe, which reminded Oliver that he hadn't eaten since he left home that morning. But he also remembered that he didn't have much Muggle money, for which there was only one solution. He need to head to the Leaky Cauldron.