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Assault of the Sorcerer Kings

"Let's not be foolish, dwarf." She said, stepping out in front of him.

"Outta my way, elf-girl." The angry and drunken stout warrior shouted, spittle flying from his mouth.

The druidess put her hand up, palm first and closed her eyes. The dwarf went immediatley calm with momentary confusion before looking at the elven woman with anger clouding his eyes. "Don't you ever sober me up without my permission again." He said to her before storming out of the saloon.


They slept peacefully that night and set out in the morning to continue along thier treck, far from any civilized region.

Glavians apprentice, Jamis, was more than a little sick and vomited over the side of his horse often, clutching at his head in pain even more. His trainer and companion jeered him almost constantly along with the rougue known as Mordel, laughing at the boys misfortune.

Swan Willowcreek, who would be the most at home away from civilization, rode at a short distance to the side of the group. Ront's gaze strayed to her often with anger.

The ranger, another who wouldn't find himself uncomfortable in the wilderness, was too obsorbed in his own headache to bother mocking the young human.

They only stopped twice while the sun was in the sky. As night started to fall, Austius spotted what appeared to be a small village in the distance.

"Perhaps some of the villagers will put us up for the night", Glavian said.

"Maybe they'll feed us real food, too," Mordel agreed.

The dwarf shook his head. "Something doesn't feel right about this place." He said.

Aust and Swan looked to each other. The dwarf sometimes had keen instincts, but was also overly paranoid about things. They would've asked Jamis, but despite the boy's good intuition, he was still too inexperinced to rely on.

"What do you think, Aust?" The druidess replied, apparently leaving it up to her cousin.

What did Aust decide?