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This was great. Jezirea hadn't made such a huge discovery in a long time, and if it were real, then she wouldn't need to worry about money for a long while.
She glanced through the log books and history records just to make sure there was no further mention of the sword. If it came up again, it was likely that someone had already broken in to the chamber and stolen the sword, but there was no such entry.
Jezirea had high hopes.
Now she just needed to know where to find it, which of course, was not listed in the town history. More than likely, something that dangerous would have been kept in the town hall. Hopefully it hadn't just been forgotten.
She couldn't just ask about it. If anyone still remembered the incident, then they would surely be hesitant to speak of it.

There was only one thing she could do, and that would be to break in to the town hall, and find their classified records on the sword.

It's not like she was going to steal anything. She was just going to slip in, and take a little peak at some classified records before slipping out again.
The man she intended to sell it to lived far away, so in a way she would be doing the village a favour. She was taking the sword off their hands, so they would no londer have to worry about it.
Yeah, right...

Jezirea thought about what she would have to do, and then set about making her preparations. She intended to leave as soon as she retrieved the information she was looking for, since if she left any sign of entry, then it would be possible for the authorities to figure out what she was doing, and then try to prevent her from getting her hands on the sword.
It wasn't a good idea to hang around in the village either, lest they try to arrest her for breaking in to government property.

She gathered her things; a small sack containing flint, a length of rope, and a leather water pouch, before standing and heading outside.

It was bright compared to the depths of the library, and it took Jezirea's eyes a moment to adjust. She intended to keep her eyes low anyways. Not so low that she looked suspiscious, but so that no one would be able to look her in the eyes. People were less likely to remember her that way.
Of course she made sure to act casualy while buying rations. She knew the nearest town was roughly a weeks walk away, but she didn't know how long it would take her to find the sword, so she bought a little extra.
Then, she simply waited.

She went out to a nice tavarn, and had a good meal. It would raise her morale for this risky and somewhat questionable endeavor.
When the sun was good and set, and she had the saftey of night's shadows on her side, she payed her tab and left the tavern. She stuck to the shadows and made her way to the town hall.
The building was dark, and quiet; locked down for the night.