
With a rapidly sinking heart you walk to the window. The chances of the shutters being unlocked are minimal, but you have to at least go through the motions of trying. You notice that, unlike the rest of the wood in this room, these shutters are of a dark wood finish, making them stand out from the pine. They are double panelled with a handle on each door. You grasp a handle and tug.

It opens! Maybe, just maybe, there will be a way out of this nightmare.

You pull the shutter further open, to be confronted by a window with security bars, deeply sunk and bolted into the outside surrounding wall. The panic starts to rise again. You feel yourself ready to burst from frustration. You make a fist and take a desperate punch at the window.

"Goddamn it! Plexi-glass, goddamned break-proof plexi-glass!" you swear at the empty room. The frustration, desperation and anger build and build. In a frenzy of frenetic energy you throw off the quilt and pound, pound, pound at the window until your hands become bruised and swollen.

"DAMN IT! Break, you bastard window, GODDAMN IT, just a little crack! Come on you...SHIT, SHIT SHIT!" you scream out until you slide to the floor in exhaustion. You reach for the quilt and wrap yourself in its false security.

You sit there, despondant, anxious and mad as hell. You catch your breath, regain your senses, and stand to look out the window, actually LOOK this time instead of flying into a flurry of flailing, useless fists.

Trees. There are lots of trees. There are also golden brown fields, and in the distance the faint shape of low hills. But no sign of life, of civilization, no sign of rescue.

"Great. This is just friggin' great." you say to the space around you.

You slide back down to the floor, your back supported by the wall. You see nothing in this room that can be used as a tool to break the door lock or force out the window. Even if you could remove the window there appears to be nobody around to hear your call for help. You put your head into your hands, resting, gathering strength and thinking, thinking, thinking.

You hear a sound, so light that you almost missed it, even wonder if you imagined it. You look...