Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


You flip right off the bed and land with your fists up, ready to beat the living crap out of anyone who comes near. The men all stare. Then you stick out your index finger and poke the German guy in the eye.
"Aghh!" he yells, and falls backwards. His head cracks off the floor and blood begins to slowly trickle out from the back of his head.
The other men are pissed. One moves closer. You hook him round the jaw. There's a loud "Klunk!" and then a "Ckkrak!" and the guy's jaw gets ripped off.
How the-?
The other guy gets scared. He starts whimpering loudly. Then he cracks. He walks slowly towards you, flailing his arms wildly and screaming. You unscrew your fist and chuck it at him. Blood flies and his face gets totally buggered.
Wait a minute. Unscrew your fist!?! That's not right...
You look down at the stump where your fist used to be. Shiny metal. You suddenly collapse on the floor.

You have 1 choice: