Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


You jump off the bed and land on the person nearest to you and start pummeling his face. You keep going, thwack! thwack! thwack! until blood starts spraying from it. You stop suddenly. The other two just stare.
You look down at his face- and gasp. His face is a mess. His nose is where his left eye should be. His left eye isn't. His teeth have shattered. His left cheekbone is sticking out.
You look to your right. The two men are still staring. Then you realise who you were attacking a second ago.
The German guy.
The leader.
You look back at the others.
"Go," you say.
They don't argue. They run off without even a glance back.
You begin to wonder how on earth you managed to mess up the guy's face like that with your bare knuckles.
You look down at them- and see why. Where skin has been ripped off from over-pummeling, there is shiny metal where the bone should be.
You stare down. Then, all at once, you collapse.

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