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Heart of an Assassin

You wake feeling more or less refreshed, though there is still an emptiness inside you because of losing your family. You feel a little daunted at the prospect of going with the soldiers, but you remind yourself that you have to avenge your family, and you cannot do that by staying in your village.

Over breakfast, Mrs. Tomoe continually tries to persuade you to change your mind and stay in the village. You feel bad about disappointing her, but you refuse anyway.

After breakfast, you gather the few items that were saved from the fire, and make your way to the tavern where the soldiers are staying.

The captain seems a little startled to see you, but he makes no comment on it, presumably so that he doesn't lose face with his men. You are given a black horse called Moonlight. You would have preferred to walk, as you have never been on a horse before, but you don't want to look stuck-up in front of the soldiers.

However, as you clamber up onto the horse, it moves, causing you to fall and hit the ground hard on your back. You sit up, dazed, and are aware of the soldiers laughing at you.

Your face heats up in embarrassment.

What do you do?