The Teacher Who Stepped Forward

You receive the shock of your life upon entering the library. There are absolutely no books!!! Along the four walls, where books and shelves should be, are floor to ceiling pictures of books.

The library is a rather large room filled with tables and chairs. The surface of each table contains 8 monitor screens. These are not the computer monitors of 2005, they are built right into the table with a pivot of about 45 degrees, so they are either flush with the table or at a slight angle. In front of each monitor is what appears to be a robotic glove.

Mary takes you by the hand and pulls you over to where the teacher has already begun her lecture.

"In my day, we had actual books that you could hold in your hand, we had computer keyboards to type on, and a mouse to move the cursor around with. We were real students. We had to do actual research. We had to read the history books to find what we were looking for. You youngsters today have it way to easy. If only Principal Gibbs would let me have my way. I'd make you actually read a real history book, complete with black and white text. I'd throw away all of these holographic books that you get to "watch". In my day, watching a show was called TV.