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Stepping into the portal, you found yourself falling through darkness until you finally reached its destination. Immeadiately as you entered, Shadow began to growl violently. Looking around you found yourself surrounded by five figures in dark cloaks. You attempted to brush by them angrily but you were pushed back as they formed a circle around you. "Another human..." one began in a hiss. "How much do you think we'll get for him?" another queastioned. "Plenty I'm sure..." "Heh heh" the group snickered. Your eyes narrowed dangerously and burned with black fire. As one of them came at you, you were more than ready to dispose of them. Swiftly pulling a knife from your pocket you lunged at him, and off guard, he was not ready for it. The blade sank deep in his throat. In an instant the others were at you. Stabbing with one arm and punching with the other another quickly went down. As two more came at you at the same time, you quickly swept thier legs out from under them, and they lost balance on impact. Driving the knife into one's head and then driving the other's neck to the breaking point, you turned to the leader. With you ready to kill, he put his hands up. "Wait..." he asked. "I think I can use your help, how about we make a deal...?" You...