
You gave a final wave to the boy behind you and preoceeded to head across the road. You met up with Alice on the other side, who immeadiately jumped to question you about the boy. "So who's he?" she questioned with a suggestive tone in her voice. Turning red, you stumbled to answer. "No one! I've never seen him before in my life!" Alice chuckled completely not buying it even though you were telling the truth. "Sure... you don't know a cutie like that! So how long have you been hiding him... and when are you going to introduce me?" Your mouth gaped open as you struggled to find an answer. "I don't even know his name!" you protested. Sighing Alice finally let it go and continued to walk. Just as you were about to leave also something caught your eye. You watched as that boy turned form your direction and walked off towards the park. However something snapped off of his neck and he didn't appear to notice and continued off. Gasping you pushed your books off onto Alice who looked very confused and darted off. Picking up the necklace you chased after him,not really knowing why but feeling that you had to. You were slower than him so gradually he began to go farther from your sight. Keeping pace as best you could you followed him into the park. He slowed down approaching a tree, dropping down you caught your breath before confronting him. Looking up, your eyes bulged. Some sort of portal had opened at the tree. You watched in shock as the boy stumbled back but then with reslve headed into it. "Wait!" you yelled but too late as he dissapeared but not without noticing you. Sighing, you got off your feet and followed him, he had seen you now so you didn't have much choice.