Herald of the waters

Here it is before your eyes. No longer a fortress, castle Griffin has been reconstructed time and time again for centuries until it has met it present incarnation: a manor. A huge house of brick and mortar and what to your eyes look like thousands of windows. Your attention is not fixed so much in the building itself, but in a spectacular wooden tower in its right, that display in the highness the coat of arms of the family; a red griffin.
"Oh, you haven't missed the tower, have you?", says Voloi, the servant.
You reply:
"Well it's just great... Looks the best thing I have ever seen in my life; much better than the castle itself."
Voloi smiles, and then tells you.
"You are indeed right, but don't tell our Master; he hates the tower; but keeps it because it is known that the gods will strike dead the one who would dare to destroy it. We can't hardly see at this distance; well maybe you can, but not these old eyes of mine; but, on the walls there are paintings of the deeds of every hero in our Master's family; the last dozen meters are blank"

. At last you cannot help but ask
"Mr Voloi, what will they do when they spend up the unpainted part."
"Nothing" He answers happily "It would be the end of the world"
"No wonder, they are making them smaller" You say nearly giggling.

That ends the most remarkable part of your day; soon you get to go to sleep.