
You nod and say okay unemotionally. Your sister looks at you a little worried.

"You know, you should get out of that house too. I mean look at what Mom has done to you. You're a fucking emotionless robot! You just do everything Mom tells you. Is that really how you want to go through life?"

You don't say anything.

"Look, take care of yourself and remember that you don't need to do everything that Mom says."

She hugs you goodbye and leaves.

You head back home and when Mom comes back home from work you explain what happened to your sister. Your Mom looks angry, but also relieved, almost as if having her out of the house is a blessing.

"Good, that little disobedient bitch can stay gone then. Well what are you doing still standing around for? You know you have work to do around the house!"

You have 2 choices: