Steve-The Text Adventure

You look behind you; the demons directly in front of you have stopped cold. They look horribly frightened. One swings through the line of stopped demons and comes barreling straight at you. You’re too scared to move. Right before it reaches you, a bolt of lightening jumps out from Norman and instantly destroys the out of control demon. "HA, Bitches!" Robbie blurts out. Your sight focuses on his apartment behind the demons which promptly explodes into a giant fireball. "Damn it". That about does it for you, you all pile into Norm and get the hell out, a few more demons attack but are fried by Norm's holiness. Behind you, all that remains of Robbie's apartment is charred bricks and a water bottle. The demons seem to fly off towards the north in a pattern like birds along with the door. Not knowing what to do, you hit 680 south and drive on. It's 9am and you may have already released the apocalypse upon earth