Vampires and A.F.I.

SLAM! your bedroom door opens as your three best friends Mickey, Mike, and Hunter walk in.
'Oh great!No more of my peacefull day.' you think to yourself. All though they have just interupted your A.F.I. music fest you are very happy to see them.
"Arisa! GUESS WHAT!!!" Mike screams.
"WHAT!" You scream sarcasticly half making fun of his excitment.
"A.F.I. is coming out here this weekend to find a band to sponser!" Mickey tells you seeing how Mike has lost his words.You look at all three of them in surprise. You half think that they are messing with your head. You quickly log onto YOu click on recent news and see it is true. YOu quickly read it. IT says: A.F.I. will be going around the state of California to find one band to sponser. The sponsered band will get a record deal and tour with A.F.I. for their first year. You scream!
"So you wanna do it?? We kick ass already Im sure we could do it!" Hunter says looking at you.