Detective Wolf and the Flatwoods Fighter

Wolf grabbed the strange item and pulled it form the jaws of the dead. It was a piece of the painting. As he touched it, a wooziness wrapped over him. The eyes of the deer in the piece of the painting stared at him. Maybe it was his imagination, but he swore that it winked. After that, unconsciousness. He was a vessel going through a churning sea, surrounded by waves as it oozed forward, its frame breaking, but still it carried forward. lighting struck at the stern, but still it carried further, millions of barnacles clutched to it, but still it went faster. Slowly, it was ripped away, by time and the rushing sea. And this vessel of power and might, was reduced to scrap metal. But the remnants of the shit, and the water was quicklyt burned away. The cause: a bright light. Brighter than anything he had seen. Brighter than gold, brighter than the eyes of a newborn child. It was so intense, so mesmerizing it was....

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