The New Daycare

You tentatively stood up, padded ass in the air, before straightening yourself, holding out your arms for balance. You took one clunky step forward, then another, unable to do much more than look like a baby first learning to walk. After several minutes of slow, meticulous steps, you made it to where the toddlers were all playing on a center carpet.

As you approached, a couple of the girls looked up at you, giggling when they saw a grown woman in a diaper. You tried to cover up the plastic pants, but the movement of your arms sent you tumbling to the ground. Your face burned with embarrassment as almost all the girl were now looking at you, suddenly finding you much more interesting than their dolls or pretend food.

They all gathered around you, giggling and pointing at the “new girl” wearing a diaper. You lay on your back, blushing as a couple patted your padded crotch, hearing the crinkling sounds for themselves. Whispers of “baby” went around the small circle followed by even more giggles and pointing.