The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Leeko in the Closet

By: Drakin

MilaTwo picked up her crewmates hat tenderly. Worry for her crewmates running along between the connection she still shared with her original self. The pair were connected still, albeit now more distantly than when she'd formed, but they could share what each was experiencing at any time which let MilaTwo know Mila, Morgana, and Tam-Tam were still some hallways away.

So MilaTwo struck out in the opposite direction, calling as loudly as she dared. “Leeko? Looko where are you?” as she opened door after door.

Eventually she happened across a large bedroom. She would have moved on immediately after calling, but the large walk in closet in the back opened a crack and she heard a somewhat familiar voice call back, “Mila? Is that you?”

“Leekop,” Mila hurried forward, but to her surprise the door slammed shut. After trying the knob she called again, “Leeko, open the door.”

“I... I don't want to,” Leeko replied, his words muffled by the door sounded weird.

“Why not?” MilaTwo asked, “What happened? Is Darious in there with you?”

Another moment of silence followed. “No... We got separated. And... something happened to me.”

“Well a lot has happened to me,” MilaTwo sighed, “Trust me. I'll understand.”

“I doubt that,” Leeko moped through the door.

“Just listen...,” She then proceeded to fill Leeko in on everything that had happened since they'd been separated. From the kitchen and Tam-Tam's transformation, to her mind and body controlling milk, her messing with Morgana, and even Milas own duplication.

“So... wait, you're not even you?” Leeko asked confused, “You're a double that is somehow not under her control for the moment?”

“Yes,” Mila blushed, “I know it sounds weird, but I promise I wouldn't lie about this sort of thing.”

“Well, even so it's a lot to take in.”

“So will you please come out so we can talk face to face?”

“Mila, what happened to you was very weird, no doubt, but I don't know if it compares to what we went through.”

“Try me.”

“Ok, well, it started like this....”


“I don't like the idea of splitting up captain,” Leeko sighed as they checked their third room together.

“Nor do I,” the canine returned, “I have my doubts Morgana will tolerate that gecko girl long before kicking her teeth in.”

“Then why put them together?”

“Morgana might be hotheaded and brash, but she's done a lot to turn her life around. She also knows what a thief might do and has a good eye for catching them in the act.”

“You think Tam-Tam is a thief?”

“I don't know, but with powerful magical artifacts on the line I don't want to take any chances.”

The pair continued on for some time, checking rooms until they found...

Choice 1: A weight room with lots of exercise equipment.

Choice 2: A home theater complete with a film-projector.

Choice 3: A lab with strange beakers full of odd colored chemicals.

Choice 4: A monstrous shadowy figure that chased them down the hall.