The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Mila's Hose Time

By: Drakin

Mila bit her lip, feeling extremely guilty as she walked over to the table. She should be going after Morgana. The bat clearly was not in her right state of mind. There was no telling what she might do.

And yet... Mila had felt conscious since meeting both Morgana and Tam-Tam. And now she was a fat blimp compared to both (being yet unaware about Tam-Tam's changes while she was away). It felt so unfair. And now here was a device that had granted Morgana the hyper curves she could only dream of with the flick of a switch and a little massaging. Surely she could handle that last part herself, right?

“Just a little modification,” she told herself, “I don't want to be that dim. Then I'll go after Morgana.”

In truth she hoped it was some other factor that had Morgana sound dumb, but she had no way to be sure. So just a little bit she reasoned as she strapped the hose over her mouth and put her hand on the lever. With one more breath to calm herself, she gave it a gentile pull, intending to keep the slow enough to be manageable.

The trickle of strange caramel tasting pudding began to flow down the hose and her already sizable belly glorped and gurgled more as it filled with the strange food. Mila began working at her body almost immediately, rubbing, rolling, kneading and pushing everywhere she could.

At first she felt nothing and worried she should stop, but when her next heave on her belly squished the fat upwards into her breasts and she marveled as they jumped another cup sizes. Ahe began working harder, pushing fat into her thighs and put while trying to squeeze fat out of her calves and sagging ankles. Since she couldn't bend that low she had to put her legs up on the table one at a time in a stretching position to make the adjustments. However that left her dangerously unbalanced.

She nearly had both legs to her liking and had been alternating working the fat out of her face, when a large glob of whatever the food stuff was hit her at just the wrong moment and she gagged, nearly choking. The gag resulted in a flail and Mila fell against the podium with the leaver.


Mila looked up in horror as the lever had been slammed into the highest speed possible and then snapped off at the base. The machinery hummed louder and Mila hurriedly felt for the hose as she watched a surge of the pudding rolled down the length towards her mouth.

Choice 1: Mila gets the hose off in time, but is sprayed down with the pudding. It was only ever meant to be eaten, not soaked in. Might it change her somehow?

Choice 2: Mila fails to get the hose off in time, the flood hits her thoat and she begins to swell like a pudding filled balloon.

Choice 3: Mila can't get the hose off in time, but the surge ends as abruptly as it began. The tank is apparently empty. But she's not off the hook. The machine switches over to some different filling with potentially different effects.

Choice 4: Out of nowhere a strange figure appears and smashes the console, the machine shuts down at the last second. Who is it? Leeko? Darious? Or someone new?