The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Blue Bat Bimbo in a Strange Room

By: Drakin

It took more willpower than she would have cared to admit, but Mila finally tor herself away from the table and continued on down the hallway after Morgana.

Fortunately she was not so far behind as to lose sight of her this time, although she did have to waddle her fastest to catch sight of her at the next two intersections before seeing her being led through a large metal door.

By the time she reached it Mila was exhausted. And prayed with all her might she wouldn't have to run or fight her way out of whatever mess was beyond the door. And it still took her a few minutes of gasping for air before she had regained enough strength to move the thing. It was big and heavy, like a vault door almost, but weirdly unlocked.

She didn't ponder it long though as the room beyond the door drove all such thoughts from her mind.

It was huge, like an entire city park had been transplanted from somewhere above and placed underground. Only this park looked quite unusual. The plants were all varied colors and filled with odd shaped fruit she couldn't make out at a distance. And there was a strong smell of powdered sugar in the air.

Fortunately Morgana was easy to find, about a hundred feet from the door she was stretched out on the grass giggling as it tickled her blue breasts each bigger than her head as she rolled about.

When Mila had finally waddled up to her Morgana looked up and smiled over her big pouting lips, “Oh there you are Mi-mi,” she tittered happily, “Like what took you so long?”

“Morgana, I came to get you out of here,” Mila huffed, more than a little tired still.

“Aw, what's the rush?” the blue bat pouted, her large lower lip jutting out even further, “This place is, like, so pretty. And it smells so nice here.”

“But we have to get back to the captain and Leeko and Tam-Tam...”

“Hey, why don't you, like bring them here? We could all relax and have fun and I can show you the new stuff I learned.”

“ 'New stuff' ?” Mila repeated confused hardly believing the bubble-brained bat before her had anything new in her head, “What new stuff?”

“Oh lotsa new things,” Morgana smiled sitting up eagerly, “Here let me show you...”

Choice 1: Morgana crawls to Mila and pressed her face into the felines privates, licking away before the tired feline can stop her.

Choice 2: Morgana takes a deep breath and holds it. And then another. And another. And little by little she swells like a balloon animal being inflated.

Choice 3: Morgana stands and kisses Mila deeply. The kiss soon begins changing Mila. Her form shifting as her fat moves to make her more curvy and bountiful like Morgana. But does she retain her intelligence or become the same dumb bimbo as he crew mate?

Choice 4: Morgana latches on to Milas nipple and begins to suck. And through the pleasure she begins to drain Mila of her excess fat. Morgana slowly becomes bigger and fatter and Mila is rendered thin again, if a bit curvier than before.