The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Culinary Lab

By: sup

Mila approached the light at the end of the tunnel. Upon exiting, she found herself in a place that was even larger than the kitchen she was just previously inside of. The massive space held a lot of cooking equipment sure, but also a wide variety of machines as well as strange solutions within flasks and bottles.

"What is this place?" Mila pondered as she looked around. "Is this where that jar was created and those cookies were born?" she asked herself. "If so...who made them?"

Her questions would have to wait as she soon spotted Morgana further ahead. She watched as the cookies rolled her into a large round machine as its door soon closed, entrapping the bat inside. Steam could be seen rising from the machine as pistons pounded down right inside of it as a blue liquid flowed from its tubes into a large tank.

"I see...its a juicer of some kind." Mila realized as she watched the tank fill to the brim with juice after awhile. It wasn't long after that the doors opened as stumbling out was Morgana, now a lot thinner and still blue.