The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Dress the Part

By: Drakin

As the trio of girls dressed and cleaned themselves (or rather had the cookies do it for them), Mila looked over her frame with a strangely critical eye. Something nagged at her...

It wasn't her weight, different as her standards for beauty might have been from the common way. At seven hundred pounds of bountiful feline pudge she found her form quite lovely as the cookies hoisted her bosom into a bra that could have held ripe watermelons with room to spare. Her frame was draped in a lovely red silk dress with gold and sky blue accents that hung free from the edges of her stomach that, when standing, drooped down to her knees buried in their own folds of fat thighs. She went almost with nothing underneath, save some matching silk stockings over her tree-trunk thick thighs, and panties hiked so deep into her barrel sized rear they wouldn't be seen even without the dress.

Her attention turned to her features as the cookies draped the first of three necklaces into her plunging cleavage. They were soft, round, one might even call them 'motherly' (though she had no desire to have children of her own). Though she was in her mid thirty's there was the slightest hint of bags under her eyes. She looked like the energy of youth was just starting to fade but old age had yet to sink it's claws in just yet.

As the cookies helped with the final dressings she looked to her companions... lovers, she reminded herself. Tam-Tam was almost her size, but the gecko girl had somehow developed even more in the bust and rear than Mila herself. Her bountiful booty and tail alone had been supremely eye catching for years as they swished about under her favorite teal dress. The only think more distracting was her breasts with a bust nearly half a foot larger than Mila's own substantial pair, which allowed Tam-Tam to wear up to four necklaces in concentric rows with the lowest pendent plunged into the canyon between her breasts. And yet she had declared she would have a space for a fifth by the end of the year with her downing neck fold forming a new shelf as it drooped under her chin.

Of them Tam-Tam was perhaps the most vane as she enjoyed wearing makeup to hide the small imperfections that had begun to appear. A little eye-shadow, some lipstick, and a little touch-up to the cheeks. Despite Mila's reassurances every day she didn't need it she liked look even better. As she often put it, “A cake is always delicious, but a cake with with a fruit glaze will always be better for the dressing.”

By contrast Morgana was the only one of them who showed no concern for the changes the years brought on. She wore lipstick at formal events, but left her face otherwise untouched (though that may have been in part due to lacking nearly all other signs of her age). Her one mature feature was a faint wisp of gray in her long barely tamed black hair. She could have hidden it, cut it, dyed it even, but she let it curl down the side of her bangs, a sign of maturity and style.

She was also the roundest of the three. While Mila struck the balance and Tam-Tam had the curves, Morgana was nearly all torso. Her belly hung to her shins despite being slightly taller than either of the girls and with a bust as close to Mila's own as to make little difference.

As per a longstanding childhood agreement, since Mila wore Morgana's favorite color of red, Morgana would wear Mila's colors of a soft tan and orange. Her dress was perhaps the most elaborate or at least the most frilly of the three. It wasn't ridiculously poof-y, but the folds along the sides and the crinkled shoulders gave it a very 'Spanish dancer' feel despite being large enough to make for a small tent.

As Mila looked at them though the feeling of uncertainty came back and she felt confused. “Morgana... Tam-Tam... Has something felt... 'different' to you lately?”

“You mean like that Honey BBQ Meatloaf we had with dinner last night?” Morgana smirked, “I'm still feeling that. Even though it was delicious.”

“No,” Mila sighed and tried to put it into words, “It's like... I look at us and I feel these things. I see these images of a different life. Of being on the ocean. Of looking for treasure.”

“The life of a pirate right?” Tam-Tam smiled back at her, “Morgana used to drag us into those fantasy games all the times when we were kids.”

“They were fin though,” the big bat smiled wistfully, “Even if it was all pretend. Sailing the seas, getting into fights...”

“And the rival pirate crews,” Tam-Tam nodded, her neck fold wobbling, “Remember that girl we tried to play pirates with once?”

“I'd rather not,” Morgana muttered, her tone turning sour, “Marry was awful.”

Tam-Tam winced, “Oh right... she locked you in the school janitors closet that one time...”

Overnight,” Morgana practically growled, “I spent the whole night huddled between the dirty brooms and the damp mops. And there was no school the next day. If you two hadn't come looking...”

Tam-Tam waddled around Mila to give the huge bat a gentile huge (being mindful of their nice clothes and not rumpling them). “There there, Dear,” she gently hushed Morgana, “It's alright now. We're sorry we didn't come looking sooner.”

“No,” Morgana heaved a slow sigh, “I love you both and you saved me. I'll always be grateful for that.” She kissed Tam-Tam gently on the cheek so as not to smudge the scaly females lipstick.

Mila would have liked to press that such memories were not what she meant, but seeing Morgana's distress she backed off for the time being and let it be.


Her confusion had not abated by the time the cookies carried them to the dining hall, where the most elaborate feast had been laid out on a table as long as a ship. It was loaded with everything from rich stew and roasted chicken to finger sandwiches, jam tarts, and mini pastries. Whole meals of spaghetti, roast pork, filet mignon, fresh salmon, and so much more were laid out for them to enjoy. It would have been a feast for twenty people, but it seemed it was simply for the three of them.

As they ate though Tam-Tam and Morgana talked shop though and Mila began to recall the source of their wealth. The three had sunk a considerable amount of capital into advancement of magic in relation to food, food production, and food shipping. It had taken years but though they started with simple experimental methods and basic carriages and renting space on cargo ships, now they had a fleet of ships they owned specifically for delivering magically preserved food hundreds of miles across the ocean. A pie could be baked in one of the seven factories they owned and magically preserved to arrive nearly three thousand miles away as fresh as the day it was made despite the trip taking up to a month. And with such preservation methods the ships crew never had to worry about going hungry.

Three of the factories they owned were overseas and required magical communication to contact. Three more were close by spread across the country and positioned for optimal trading routes. But Mila felt some part of herself was a little surprise to discover/recall the last factory, or rather their first, was attached to the mansion itself. The main production floor was little more than a five minute walk from the front door through the building and out the back.

Or these days a ten minute waddle for any of them without the cookies assistance.

“Speaking of such things though,” Morgana noted as she swallowed a slice of pie (she had at least one at every meal these days), “Don't forget girls we have some important business to attend to today.”

“Oh that's right,” Tam-Tam nodded, “It's today isn't it?”

What is 'it'...?

Choice 1: Inspection day. Their main factory is in need of review. Though run by magic with few (if any) actual workers, it needs to be checked out and reviewed to make sure everything is functioning properly. And perhaps there's no harm in sampling from a few of the production lines in the process...

Choice 2: That evening is the annual ball. Wealthy guests and nobility will be arriving for a grand party to celebrate the founding of their company and partake in a night of feasting, games, music, and more feasting. But perhaps not all the guests who arrive are welcome.

Choice 3: They have a important meeting the heads of their research and production facilities via magical teleconference. The prototypes of their latest creations both food based, magical, and a combination of both will be arriving for them to examine personally during the conference.

Choice 4: It's performance review day for their staff. Morgana sends the cookies to fetch their 'Chief Financial Officer' and 'Majordomo' (the head of household staff). And when the cookies return they bring Leeko and Darious respectively.