The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Fighting is Fattening.

By: Drakin

Morgana knew something was wrong, she had developed a sixth sense regarding these things. There was no way a pie that simply appeared and “healed” itself had allowed them to consume it without a trace of magic. Something else had to be going on.

She only kept quiet because she wanted to see what would happen to Tam-Tam. That gecko girl still continued to rub her the wrong way with her smug attitude and sarcasm.

The pair resumed their exploration of the kitchen with Mila and had just about covered every corner when the first signs something was off hit. Morgana felt it first, a slight discomfort around her middle and a faint gurgling noise from her stomach. She stifled a small belch that rolled up her throat as she finished searching an overhead cabinet.

“Someone feeling a touch of indigestion?” Tam-Tam chuckled from nearby, “You should try to eat healthier. All that pie isn't good for older folks.”

Morgana felt her blood start to boil. She was at most only a few years older than Tam-Tam, if even that. And she might have snapped at her, but as the gecko girl bent to examine one of the last cabinets Morgana caught an eyeful of her rear end looking... larger? It was hard to be sure since she'd avoided noticing her curves so far, but her her keen eyes picked out something different about Tam-Tam's rump as it appeared to push out further along the sides of her skirt, straining the fabric.

“It doesn't do you justice either, hippo-hips,” Morgana retorted but felt her stomach gurgle again as if in response. At that moment she was unaware her once flat midsection had begun to round outwards, developing a faint muffin top that sagged against her belt.

“Oh you do not want to go there miss Pie-rat,” Tam-Tam replied with a snicker, “I haven't seen someone gulp down such tasty treats so quickly in years.”

“Yeah? Try looking in the mirror sometime, as if you would fit,” Morgana meant it as a exaggeration of an insult, but she almost did a double take as the gecko girls hips were even wider and the fabric looking more like dishtowels stuck in the sides of her straining sash of a belt. Her own modest belly had grown as well, sagging a bit over her front. But perhaps most unfair was her top which appeared to have grown by at least a cup-size or two, the fabric drawn tight over her breasts.

Tam-Tam had a retort ready on her lips but as she opened her mouth her stomach gave a gurgle and before she could close it again a low rolling belch escaped her throat. Morgana would have laughed but for two reasons.

First, as the belch escaped Tam-Tam the gecko girl visibly swelled, her stomach bloating into a small dome like she'd eaten a whole roast chicken herself and Morgana could hear the creak and strain of the fabric of her clothes as they started to draw tight. But secondly, and more important to Morgana at least, she felt her own stomach gurgle again and her clothes beginning to draw tight around her hips and stomach. The corset around her middle tightened ass the laces strained over new mass forming and pushing them apart.

Choice 1: Morgana and Tam-Tam start blaming each other, the more they fight the bigger they get as the pair steadily balloon with more and more digesting pie.

Choice 2: The pair put aside their differences for the moment and try to figure out what to do. This slows the growth for now but both continue to expand. It's then they notice Mila is missing.

Choice 3: Mila returns to check on them but Morgana is surprised to see Mila is fat too. However she thinks all of them have always been this fat, even as all three continue to slowly grow bigger by the minute.

Choice 4: A yelp from Mila in the far corner of the room distracts the fighting pair as they hurry over to see what predicament has befallen her.