The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Blueberry Bat

By: sup

Morgana resisted any and all urges to take another slice of the pie as she slowly backed away from it. "This pie is way too suspicious. I'll have to tell the crew to avoid any...oh." Morgana said as she gripped her stomach as a gurgling sound could be heard. "I feel funny."

"Hmm? Morgana are you...ah!" Mila said turning back in surprise as she looked at the bat.

"What are you yelling about?" Morgana asked, herself feeling almost bloated.

"Darling, what she means're turning blue." Tam-Tam replied casually.

Morgana looked in the reflective surface of the stove as she saw her skin had indeed turned blue and was spreading. Her stomach continued to gurgle as her stomach started to push out. "What the hell? Am I getting fat?" Morgana asked as Mila approached as she poked the bat's belly as she heard sloshing.

"No...its not fat. I think you're filling with juice." Mila said as she stepped back as Morgana continued to swell.

"Damn pie." Morgana cursed as her body continued to grow and grow.