The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

The Temptation of Hunger

By: The_Player

Mila reaches over, picking up the tablet, not seeing anything directly attached to it. Once she picks it up though, the candles placed aroudn it go out.

"Huh?" She can't help but mutter, before the rune upon the tablet glows... and nothing seems to happen?
"You didn't activate a trap of some sort did you?" Morgana asks brashly
"No, I swear! I just picked it up!" Mila is quick to reply. "I didn't see any wires or- Oough..."

Mila uses one of her hands to grab at her stomach, continuing to hold the Rune with the other, feeling her belly rumble with an intense hunger, and pain from emptiness somehow.
"Don't tell me you're getting sick all of a sudden."
"No, just... hungry... starving..." Mila mutters.
"Well you can get something to eat later." Morgana states. "We need to get that Rune back to Darius, before it does something else to me..." Morgana states, not seeming to realize that the Rune was doing something to Mila now, instead;

Unbeknownst to either of them, a faint, barely noticeable copy of the Rune was now upon Mila's stomach; Only able to be seen if anyone got up close, though it was at the moment also unable to be seen under her clothes.

As Morgana begins to leave through the door, the pain of Hunger practically stops Mila in her tracks. How was this possible? It felt like she hadn't eaten in days! It had to be caused by-
Her train of thought is interrupted by the hunger once more. Her stomach practically roaring at her, demanding to be filled. To be fed. As Morgana was already out of sight , probably going back down the hall expecting Mila to already be following her.

She should bring the Rune back to Darius and the others right away, but... she was so hungry! Surely there was food nearby, a kitchen, a pantry, something... she just had to get some food in her stomach! Morgana could yell at her all she wants after she gets some food in her belly... a short detour won't hurt, right?
Getting the Tablet to the others was important though...

She winces, her stomach once again roaring at her, as if to say she should eat something NOW, not later.
It was so hard to focus because of the hunger...