The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Berry Picking

By: frown

" know...I suddenly feel like berry picking. I mean, wouldn't that be a nice thought?" Morgana asked nervously as Luna said gave a glare before perking up.

"We can do that, absolutely." Luna said happily as she led the way as Morgana gave a sigh of relief.

Morgana continued to follow Luna's lead before they arrived in a vast garden filled with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, each about as big as a person "How on earth..."

"Its the blessing of our goddesses that have granted us this amazing garden. As you can see, here, we never have to worry about starving for food because there is always plenty of it here. I mean...have a look at this!" Luna said plucking a blueberry as the berry was about as big as her head.

"Oh my..." Morgana said as she was utterly speechless by this revelation. "And you're sure we can just..."

"Of course. Its my day to watch the garden anyway. No one else from the tribe is here. Its just you and me. So go ahead. Go nuts." Luna said as Morgana was obliged to do so.