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The Book of Sages

You call for help, even though you doubt there is anyone out there who can help you. After a few minutes, you stop to catch your breath, turning around to see if maybe you missed something. You stop, finding a boy standing behind you. How long had he been there?
"Who are you looking for?" he asks calmly. He looks normal, probably in his late teens, with black hair and sad eyes. But there is something unnatural about the way he stands there, watching you without any emotion.
"N-Nobody," you say. "I'm trying to find a way back home."
"Where are you from?" he asks again.
"I don't know, Earth?" you say, wondering how to explain to this person that you are both stuck in a book.
The boy perks up, as if what you've said has interested him. "Is that the realm of Humans?"
"Uh, yeah, sure, I'm just not from here."
"Then, are you human?" This is the strangest question of them all, and you don't answer immediately, waiting for him to say he's joking.
"Yes, aren't you?" you return.
The boy merely shakes his head slowly. "Will come with me?" He turns and motions for you to follow.