Total Drama Island

"Like I said a few nights ago. These are life and death. If you don't receive one. The flame of your game will inevitable burnout."

Trent said. "Stop trying to be poetic and give out the marshmallows." He sat with his guitar between his legs.

Chris looks at the killer bass. "Okay. Lets see who heading home." He pull out a notebook going over the votes and tallies. "Wow I can't believe it. I guess being smart and a nice guy don't count for much among you guys." He look at the shifty glances of the killer bass.

He throw the marshmallows at. "Owen, Trent, Izzy, Bridgette, Harold, Tyler, and Ava." The last marshmallow laying by itself waiting to be given out.

Noah look at Geoff. Geoff look at Noah. Both knowing one of their games would be finish. Geoff look toward Bridgette who shrug her shoulders. He thought she weren't have voted for him.

Chris walk between the two of the potential eliminations. "One of you will be safe. Able to keep fighting for the 100000. The other will walk the dock of shame. Ride the boat of losers and leave Foreevvvver."

The name Chris utter is ...

You have 1 choice: