For as long as Marcus Collins (You) could remember, he had always dreamed of becoming a lawyer. He poured over law books in school and obsessed over every word of the court transcripts he could find on TV or movies. He could rattle off from memory any legal term or famous courtroom scene you threw at him. He had the textbook smarts but no drive or ambition to make it happen.
He chose the wrong path and now found himself in a county jail, feeling discouraged and alone.
Enter Bill Hansen, the best closer in the city. He was a tall, confident man who also had a knack for movie quoting and sarcasm. His colleagues often joked he had a degree in film rather than law, but Bill had secretly studied under some of the most successful lawyers in the city, and his success in the courtrooms proved it.
Bill had agreed to take Marcus' case as a trade with one of his colleagues. Marcus's future seemed bleak, but Bill had the drive and attitude necessary to pull through. He worked tirelessly on Marcus' case to get him released on probation. After the trial, Bill offered Marcus a strange deal, "I like you, and as a trade-off for saving your ass, come work for me."
He chose the wrong path and now found himself in a county jail, feeling discouraged and alone.
Enter Bill Hansen, the best closer in the city. He was a tall, confident man who also had a knack for movie quoting and sarcasm. His colleagues often joked he had a degree in film rather than law, but Bill had secretly studied under some of the most successful lawyers in the city, and his success in the courtrooms proved it.
Bill had agreed to take Marcus' case as a trade with one of his colleagues. Marcus's future seemed bleak, but Bill had the drive and attitude necessary to pull through. He worked tirelessly on Marcus' case to get him released on probation. After the trial, Bill offered Marcus a strange deal, "I like you, and as a trade-off for saving your ass, come work for me."